Dream Never Stops!

Dream Never Stops!

Monday, April 29, 2013


Editing and combining photos are an exciting things because I 'm creating somethings that belong to me!
So, today i will still introduce the free "trial sumo paint"!

Wonderful software!(from google images.)
 First, I have to introduce the tools inside the"SUMO PAINT"

Left hand side is the TOOLS(From google images.)
Now, as u see, I think the most useful one is "Lasso Tool"(The second one from the top and right side).
It just likes scissors cutting the papers when u using it. Also, i think it is user-friendly.
Usually, we use "Lasso Tool" to select sth. we need and cut sth. we don't need.
Furthermore, we can use it to change the background!
When u select the thing u want, you just press SELECT-->INVERSE
then that mean you can change the background! That's great! Isn't it?
Next time I may introduce more tools in the SUMO PAINT!
Have a good day~!

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