Dream Never Stops!

Dream Never Stops!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

HOW TO TIE A TIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's funny that i don't know how to tie a tie!!

Stand in front of the mirror. Your collar should be up, your shirt buttoned all the way to the top,  and the tie around your neck. The wide end of the tie should be on the side of your dominant hand. So if you're right-handed, the wider end should be hanging on your right side. If you're left-handed,the wider end should be hanging on your left side.
Look for a seam on the front of the narrow end of the tie.

Move the wide end over the narrow end so they cross each other on the seam.

Pull the wide end behind the narrow end.

Bring the wide end around. It should be facing off to your left.

Bring the wide end under the narrow end again.

Pull the wide end of the tie under the loop around your neck.

Pull the wide end down through the knot at the front of the tie.
Tighten the knot by sliding it up the narrow end. Make sure your tie is straight and the length is appropriate.

  • The four-in-hand knot is a little asymmetrical at the neck. Don't worry about this; it is normal.
  • Many men with shorter necks prefer the four-in-hand, because the knot at top is very narrow and has a slimming effect on the rest of the neck.

This is reference from: http://www.wikihow.com/Tie-a-Tie

I will practice more!!!  It's difficult!!!

Saturday, May 4, 2013


Mother XXXX Gentleman !_!


It's so hit!

From google images

Basically, i love listening music but the meaningless one.
This song, i don't know the meaning or the purpose of this song up to now.
However, the music pattern or bit sounds like great!
But i still prefer the songs that lyric is meaningful!
It's not mean the lyric of this song is meaningless,
it's only because i don't know the lyric meaning in this song~
I like this music bit and the rhyme?

Friday, May 3, 2013

Personal Feeling

First, I have to apologize for i can't solve the geometry problem immediately.
I think it's really hard and it take time to solve that question.
Also, one of the reason that make me can't solve the problem is that i don't wanna
use the hint! So that, I just can solve it in future.

Today, It's a nice day.
And I feel frustrated.
When I was child, I always wanted to be a successful person, like this guy.

From google images

According to my memory, I remember that when he arrived Hong Kong, he just had
10 HK Dollars! However, i don't know he has how many times of 10 HK Dollars now.
I think it could be more than thousands of hundred time!

Nonetheless, i think being a successful person have to possess some good qualities!
When i was child, all things in my mind is just playing,playing and playing.
When i was 14 years- old , i realize that it's impossible to play all day and do nothing.
It's because parents will blame me and i have to work when i get older.
Therefore, i think i should earn a lot, a lot and a lot of money because if i do that,
i can do whatever i want! At that time, my plan is just earn a lot of money and retired


Now i think it's almost impossible to do that as i have some logical thoughts.
If someone really get rich, they must have worked very hard before and controlled
themselves not to do something they really want to do. And after they get rich, they won't
wanna do the thing they want to do before as they will think that is pointless!


Now i'm facing a conflict! Basically, who don't wanna get rich? No one!
But is it easy to do that? Absolutely not! I have to change myself so that i "may" get rich
but at least i have to give up or renounce something! Consequently, i may get nothing!?

This is the life. The human life! Such a joyful life!
Anyway, I think i should try! "NO PAIN, NO GAIN"!
In life, it's not easy to make decision as important as this one!
Come on! i'm not praising myself!
It's really difficult!
But i have to be patient to the life. PATIENCE...

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Blazerrr!!!!! v.s. SuitTTTT!!!

Well, usually when i finish a mission, there is always another mission.
In our life, especially man, we have to dress formal for some situation. 
So, we need formal clothes.
Like this, 
From Google images.
u know, i'm an immigrant. An poor immigrant. So, I feel sad because i forgot to bring sth. like this to here.
I wanna know how much is the cheaper but moderate suit.
Therefore, i went to...
From google images
I mean on the internet, I did not really go to MACY'S. I just browse or surf on the MACY'S official 

And I just typed "blazer".
The above is the result of what i did.
I think searching with "suit" is better.
The average is almost hundred something.......
All right, I have to collect money since today!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Star War!

I apologize  for I can't solve the geometry problem today because today is as busy as yesterday!! (T,T)(cry~)
Instead of solving the geometry problem, i will mention Star War today!
When i mention Star War, what image visualize in your mind?

Is this visualize in ur mind?(From Google images)

Actually, today what i wanna talk about is STAR WAR which is a plan made by U.S.!

"The U.S. has released plans to revive its stalled “Star Wars” plan with a new generation
of missile defense shields, and it has also been developing weapons that can hit satellites."

This is from the document http://www.unausa.org/images/content/GC_Model_UN/International_Conference/Topics/2013/GCIMUN_2013_-_GA4_-_Peaceful_Uses_of_Outer_Space.pdf

which from United Nations

It's surprised that the Star war is not fake! It's really present! However, it's not strange at all. Before the invent of airplane, who would think that human flying in the sky was a normal event...